#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// #############################################
#define IS_DIGIT(c) c >= '0' && c <= '9' ? 1 : 0
#define IS_SPACE(c) c == ' ' ? 1 : 0
// Check whether the actual String (first argument) is equal to the expected String (second argument).
bool base_test_equal_s(const char* file, int line, char* a, char* e);
#define test_equal_s(a, e) base_test_equal_s(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)
typedef struct Weight{
char *val_str; //value as string
int val_int; //value as int //actually not required in this qeuestion
int sum_int; //sum of the digits of a number as int
} Weight;
// #############################################
//gets one number in form of string and returns the sum of its digits as int
int str_sum(char *str){
int sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; str[i]; i++) if(IS_DIGIT(str[i])) sum += str[i] - '0';
return sum;
//gets one number in form of string and returns the same number inform of int
int str_to_int(const char* s){
int as_int = 1;
for(int i = 0, factor = 10; s[i] != '\0'; i++){
if( i == 0) as_int = s[i] - '0';
else as_int = (as_int * factor) + (s[i] - '0');
return as_int;
void free_arr_of_weights(Weight *arr, int length){
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
char* order_weight(const char* s){
//counting how many spaces are there in the input string because number of weights to order = number of spaces + 1
int spaces = 0;
for(int i = 0; s[i]; i++) if(IS_SPACE(s[i])) spaces++;
//getting number of digits of the biggest number in the input string.
int digits = 0;
for(int i = 0, temp_digits = 0; s[i]; i++) {
if(IS_DIGIT(s[i])) temp_digits++;
else if(IS_SPACE(s[i])) temp_digits = 0;
if(temp_digits > digits) digits = temp_digits;
//creating an array of Weights
int length_arr_weights = spaces+1;
Weight* arr_weights = (Weight*) calloc(length_arr_weights, sizeof(Weight));
for (size_t i = 0, input_i = 0/*index of the input array*/; i < length_arr_weights; i++){
//getting the number as str for a Weight variable.
arr_weights[i].val_str = (char*) calloc(digits+1, sizeof(char));//allocating memory for every single str of a Weight variable
int single_str_sz = 0; //size of single string of the array of Weights
for(size_t j = 0; j < digits+1; j++, input_i++){
if(s[input_i] == '\0') break;
if(s[input_i] == ' ') { input_i ++; break; }
arr_weights[i].val_str[j] = s[input_i];
arr_weights[i].val_str[single_str_sz+1] = '\0';
//getting the number as int for a Weight variable.
arr_weights[i].val_int = str_to_int(arr_weights[i].val_str);
//getting the sum of digits as int for a Weight variable.
arr_weights[i].sum_int = str_sum(arr_weights[i].val_str);
char *modified = (char*) calloc(strlen(s)+1, sizeof(char));
for(int i = 0; i < (length_arr_weights - 1); i++){
for(int j = i + 1; j < length_arr_weights; j++){
Weight save_i = arr_weights[i];
if(arr_weights[j].sum_int < arr_weights[i].sum_int) { arr_weights[i] = arr_weights[j]; arr_weights[j] = save_i; }
else if(arr_weights[j].sum_int == arr_weights[i].sum_int){
if(strcmp(arr_weights[j].val_str, arr_weights[i].val_str) < 0) { arr_weights[i] = arr_weights[j]; arr_weights[j] = save_i; }
i != (length_arr_weights - 1) - 1 ? ( strcat(modified, arr_weights[i].val_str), strcat(modified," ") ) : ( strcat(modified, arr_weights[i].val_str), strcat(modified," "), strcat(modified, arr_weights[i+1].val_str) );
modified[strlen(s)] = '\0';
free_arr_of_weights(arr_weights, length_arr_weights);
return modified;
bool base_test_equal_s(const char* file, int line, char* a, char* e) {
if (strcmp(a, e) == 0) {
printf("Actual value: \"%s\"\n", a);
printf("Expected value: \"%s\"\n", e);
printf("%s, line %d: check passed\n\n", file, line);
return true;
} else {
printf("%s, line %d: Actual value \"%s\" differs from expected value \"%s\".\n\n", file, line, a, e);
return false;
void test_order_weight() {
char* result;
result = order_weight("56 65 74 100 99 68 86 180 90");
test_equal_s(result, "100 180 90 56 65 74 68 86 99");
result = order_weight("103 123 4444 99 2000 4 31");
test_equal_s(result, "2000 103 31 4 123 4444 99");
result = order_weight("2000 10003 1234000 44444444 9999 11 11 22 123");
test_equal_s(result, "11 11 2000 10003 22 123 1234000 44444444 9999");
result = order_weight("10003 1234000 44444444 9999 2000 123456789");
test_equal_s(result, "2000 10003 1234000 44444444 9999 123456789");
result = order_weight("5562 2632 11341 3492 15335 5893 1916 13302 3349 18038 5628");
test_equal_s(result, "13302 11341 2632 15335 1916 3492 5562 3349 18038 5628 5893");
result = order_weight("1752 1298 13680 17088 15020 16674 1872 11114 8662 17618 2957 17467 11762 18299 2874");
test_equal_s(result, "11114 15020 1752 11762 13680 1872 1298 2874 8662 17618 2957 16674 17088 17467 18299");
int main(){
return 0;
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