tic-tac-toe game without GUI(C)

This is a very simple tic-tac-toe game without any GUI.
This game can be played in the command line. 

Inputs instructions:

Every cell/square is represented by 2 numbers.
the first number is number of the row.
the second number is the number of column. 

Videos from the game:

  • Draw
  • Computer won 

  • Player won

πŸ“’RecommendedPlease watch the videos first of all. Try to understand the game and the idea behind it and then try to implement  the game on your own first, before looking at the code down below.

    To compile and run the game:

    πŸ“₯Download the CodeπŸ“₯



     * AUTHOR: Khaled Badran
     * DATE:   01/09/2020

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <time.h>

    typedef char *String;
    char play_field[3][3]; 
    char player1 = 'x', player2 = 'o';
     * the play_field variable should be defined globally,
     * so that we can access it from any function and update it.

    void print_field(){ // to print the game drid
        printf("  *X_O GAME*\n");
        printf("please choose the slot, where you want to play\n");
        for(int i = 0; i < 3;i++){
            for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
                printf("|%c", play_field[i][j] = '_' );

    void print_game(int rowint columnchar input){
        while (play_field[row][column!= '_'){ // if the cell is not empty
            printf("This is an invalid move.\n");
            printf("please choose the slot, where you want to play\n");
            scanf("%d %d"&row& column);

        for(int i = 0; i < 3;i++){
            for(int j=0; j < 3; j++){
                if (i == row && j == column){
                    printf("|%c", play_field[i][j]= input);
                } else {
                    printf("|%c", play_field[i][j] );

    bool game_over(){//checks wheather x or o wins: else draw. 
        int player;
        char input;
        for (int x = 1; x < 3; x++){//this loop is to alternate player's turn with the computer's turn.
            player = x % 2;
            if (player != 0) input = 'x';
            if (player == 0) input = 'o';
            //checks rows and columns
            for (int i = 0; i<3 ;i++){
                if(play_field[i][0]== input && play_field[i][1]== input && play_field[i][2]== input){
                    //if a row is completely the same.
                    printf("player%d wins (%c) :)\n",x , input);
                    return true;
                if(play_field[0][i] == input && play_field[1][i] == input && play_field[2][i]== input){
                    //if a column is completely the same.
                    printf("player%d wins (%c) :)\n",x , input);
                    return true;

            //if any diagonal is completely filled with the same input.
            if(play_field[0][0]== input && play_field[1][1]==input && play_field[2][2]== input){
                printf("player%d wins (%c) :)\n",x , input);
                return true;
            if(play_field[0][2]== input && play_field[1][1]== input && play_field[2][0]== input){
                printf("player%d wins (%c) :)\n",x , input);
                return true;
        return false;   

    void computer_turn(){
        int range = 3;
        int row = (rand() % range); //the random numbers are [0:2].
        int col = (rand() % range);
        while (play_field[row][col] != '_'){
            row = (rand() % range);
            col = (rand() % range);
        print_game(row, col, player2);

    void game(){ 
        int row, column;
        printf("player1's turn (x)\n");
        for(int turns = 0 ; turns < 9; turns++ ){
            int player = turns % 2;

            switch (player){
                case 0
                    scanf("%d %d",&row ,&column);
                    print_game(row, column, player1);
                    if (game_over()==truereturn// if anyone won, end the loop
                    printf("player2's turn (o)\n");
                    if (game_over()==truereturn// if anyone won, end the loop
                    printf("player1's turn (x)\n");
            if (game_over()==truereturn;
        printf("draw!! no one wins");

    int main(){
        return 0;


